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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Usually about индоссаменте association cannot send the notice each participant

Usually about association cannot send the notice each participant. Even after the association has been terminated, the notice is enough one partner to connect other participants. If the note belongs in common (that is, the parties which are not business partners), indorsers are not responsible as partners, but as people. In that case it is necessary to send the notice on non-payment to everyone.

When France will be in comparison with other countries concerning commercial development and

When France will be in comparison with other countries concerning commercial development and advancement, results will be in almost each specific turn, adverse to France. For example, since end of Napoleonic wars eighty three years ago, which national trade of the Great Britain while that from France only has trebled. In end ex German war France made eighteen percent. In front of Germany in the power of carrying over of its shipment. Now Germany of seventy [97] percent. In front of France in this respect. But it needs to be remembered, that ex German war cost France in army
Expenses and in indemnification the sum than 3,250,000,000$ is not less. The effect of those huge expenses on nation prosperity can be estimated in one comparison. Since that war annual average savings in the inhabitant in France have made 17$. During the same period annual average savings in the inhabitant in the Great Britain have made 19.50$. That war has not occurred, average annual savings in the inhabitant in France will make 21.50$. To put it briefly, no people in Europe are comparable to working classes of the French people in thrift and development, and because of this feature if France well operated its prosperity would be equal to that from any country in the world, and it will be so in spite of the fact that the account of interest of France imposes the tax 6.50$ in a year on each inhabitant of the country.
Street scene in Paris, showing to Stock exchange.

To interest of dealers or bankers deal [36] in foreign accounts to buy them where they are the

To interest of dealers or bankers deal [36] in foreign accounts to buy them where they are the cheapest and to sell it where they are the most expensive.
For this reason it could advantage to the New York dealer is frequent to be to buy the account on London, to pay a debt in Paris.
The bill (banker).

When bonds are let out to lift and place in one fund all earlier let out mortgages, new bonds

When bonds are let out to lift and place in one fund all earlier let out mortgages, new bonds sometimes name incorporated mortgages. Holders before the let out bonds are not obliged to exchange them for any new securities.

The South America - huge, but very fertile continent, which natural resources are for the present

The South America - huge, but very fertile continent, which natural resources are for the present hardly begun to be used. Though not so big as the North America, at it is much more the big area of productive soil - and, really, the most part of its soil is rather unsurpassed much. It suffers, however, from two big lacks. 1. The most part of its area (four fifth) is in limits of a hot zone. In low areas of coast of this hot area, and also in the low wood areas irrigated at the big flat rivers of an interior, the climate generally is intolerable by the white. 2. The South America was unsuccessful in the settlement and colonisation. While last years colonisation as it is understood in Anglo-Saxon communities not was it is hardly undertaken in the South America in general. More and more early immigrations from the Old World have been caused by thought on reception gold and silver and jewels - if the requirement was capture of property and enslavery natives. Only the small proportion of the population - is no more than a quarter whole - they consist from white, and mainly of Spain and [178] Portugal. These conquerors of continent basically have not succeeded in establishing or steady forms of the government or
High types of a civilisation. Besides, mixed races - at mestizos or the metis as them name, descendants of earlier Europeans and natives - instead of promoting in a civilisation, are during some time by retrograding. Then, again, there is a big Negro element, descendants of the Africans once imported as slaves, to still complicate further a question on race; also there is a considerable element partially the Negro and partially Indian. Only in one state, Argentina, can affairs how to speak, be really rich, and even in Argentina a civilisation developed by its prosperity, is rough and material, instead of is cleared and intellectual. Following most succeeding and important states - Brazil and Chile. Probably Uruguay though least of all states, should be placed after Argentina. The remaining independent states of reserved Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivias, also are Paraguay all states of prevailing South American type. Their governments more or are less changeable. They are awfully burdened by a debt, and their credit is that, that they should pay high percent. The civilisation once entered among their native races by eagerness of the Spanish missionaries, worsens, not disappearing. And even among their leading classes is very much that desirable in observance of usual principles to be right and it is wrong.

Japan, being a volcanic origin, the most part of its soil is unsuitable to

Japan, being a volcanic origin, the most part of its soil is unsuitable to . The full productive area makes less than thirty percent., and even it only the small part is capable were tilled modern methods. In existing only twelve percent. From the whole surface of the country it is devoted agriculture, even including pasturing. There is, however, but small pasturing, and a basic tool - a shovel. The modern plough is unknown. But fertilizer (mainly internal fertilizer and dust of fish) is very magnanimously used, and it means, that it is a lot of returning. The basic crop of food - fig. Other grain crops of food - wheat, barley, and a soya bean, but they not in a considerable quantity so. The grown up products of the head with a view of trade - a tree of a mulberry tree (to support the silkworm), tea factory, a varnish tree, and a camphor tree. Rice also is grown up for export just as for house consumption, and the clap very much is substantially grown up for the domestic industry. No milk, oil, or cheese are made, hardly any meat, any wood, and hardly any skin. (For boots and boots [151] the paper is used instead of a skin). From horned livestock is only 1 000 000, in comparison with 10 000 000 in British isles,
Though the population of Japan - is considerable . From horses is 1 500 000, and lifting of horses is very encouraged by the government, but mainly in the military purposes. Horses, really, are too a little employed. In cities, with a view of the car and transportation by motor transport, men are used instead of horses. Even in rural areas of a horse are unknown for agriculture of the purposes, and not, even the manual cart or a wheelbarrow are used. All bear. Fruit is very lifted, - oranges, apples, walnuts, plums, peaches, and , - but the Japanese fruit has very much the lowest quality. Flowers are lifted everywhere in the big variety and in the big abundance, and the chrysanthemum - an emblem of the country and is used on stamps.

We have learnt in last lesson, that commercial projects are used to facilitate a collection of

We have learnt in last lesson, that commercial projects are used to facilitate a collection of accounts. [32] they - simply formal requirements of payment
From lawful debts. When these formal requirements are made on foreign debtors, them name bills; and process of purchase and sale of these projects, projects directly, and fluctuations in the price, all are included in the general exchange of the name.
Foreign currency.

Original receipts, declaring marks and quantities of the goods, go with each job lot of the goods

Original receipts, declaring marks and quantities of the goods, go with each job lot of the goods to cargo canopies or courts, and it they sum up in a formal waybill, on which when all cases or the sheaves belonging to specific shipment, have put. The double receipt, or a part usually marked the account, other end, usually marked original, [60] is kept by the freight receiver, and, given
The carrier. In creation of usual shipments it not usually or is necessary to disassemble a formal waybill. Certainly, when no waybill is disassembled, the receipt should be kept the consignor. The full contract is usually printed on the receipt, but it needs to be remembered, that the receipt not the contractual tool and cannot be used as safety for money.
The navigable (original) receipt.

The new Southern Wales (the population 1 311 440) is the oldest colony of Australia and the parent

The new Southern Wales (the population 1 311 440) is the oldest colony of Australia and the parent and Victoria and Queensland. From all colonies at it is, probably, biggest range of manufacture. On the low earths of coast its soil has extraordinary abundance, and even in a dry interior when it is used, abundance is still extraordinary. For the present, however, but one acre from everyone two hundred is under , the main agricultural employment which is pasturing. More than 50 000 000 sheep are kept, mainly . The grass grows everywhere, and even meetings at the summit of mountains are covered. The drought, however, is an awful lack, and sometimes huge losses occur. In 1877 more than 8 000 000 sheep were lost, and in 1884 more than 12 000 000. Full manufacture of a wool is very big, averaging 50 000 000$ in a year. Export disappears, skin, a skin, and the cooled meat, mainly mutton, makes 10 000 000$ annually. [172] cooled mutton and beef send directly to London though pass occupies five or six weeks with steamship and
Twelve - sixteen weeks a sailing vessel. Hardly less important than its agricultural products mineral products of the New Southern Wales. Its mines are the finest on continent, and value for 4 500 000$ coal is exported annually besides it is consumed in local scale. Its gold manufacture though not so big, is the general everywhere on the whole colony. Its silver mines in Silverton and Broken Hill among the most known in the world, and its earths having tin include more than 5 500 000 acres. Previous include the basic products - manufacture of the industries which have been already well installed. But gardening, including all fruit, from apples, pears, and peaches, to olives and oranges, is quickly developing industry, any country in the world which is better approaching for it. Wine creation, also, quickly acts forward, wine equality of the New Southern Wales in those of aroma from France and Spain. Wheat growth, clap growth, and even rice growth are also in their several areas quickly stretched and succeeding prosecution. Development of the New Southern Wales has just begun. Sydney (including suburb 410 000) is the capital and is unconditional the greatest city. Sydney as Melbourn, is a beautiful city, but its beauty is natural, instead of artificial, and it well is called on the name, 'the Queen of the South.' It is located on Port Jackson, one of the finest and most beautiful harbours on globe. Sydney - a staff of all various lines of British of steamships, the American, the French language, the Italian language, etc. - that trade with Australia, also is really one of great seaports of the world.

The most characteristic physical feature of the European Russia - the planeness

The most characteristic physical feature of the European Russia - the planeness. In a consequence of its river - almost all navigable, and as most important of them are connected by channels, services for transportation which they give, are very considerable. As a whole the length of river navigation thus gave quantity almost 47 000 miles. This abundance of navigating services has detained growth of railways, but already there are 25 756 miles of the finished railway in one only the European Russia. The full length of the railway all Russia has constructed, and in a building of 34 849 miles. The most important railway enterprise in empire - the Trans-Siberian Railway which will give through communications from Baltic to T ocean. The shortest distance between these two weights of water makes 4500 miles. The length of the railway will make 4950 miles, and its cost, it is supposed, will be 120 000 000$. To 1905 it should be finished.

If you wish to use your check to pay the note, should in some other bank, or in real estate

If you wish to use your check to pay the note, should in some other bank, or in real estate purchase, either stocks, or bonds, you can find necessary to certify the check. It is made by the official of bank who writes or prints through the person of the check of a word 'or' Good When Properly Confirmed, 'and signs its name. (See an illustration). The quantity will be immediately subtracted from your account, and bank, guaranteeing your check, becomes responsible for its payment. Banks will usually certify any check, caught up them if to the investor have called for quantity to its credit irrespective of who represents the check, and this certificate does it for the person to bear in its pocket any quantity of actual cash. If you certify the check and then not use it, bring it in your bank, differently your account will be short quantity for which will delay the check. In Canada all checks are presented 'the keeper of the account book' for the certificate before to be presented to the paying cashier.
The certified check.

Textile manufacturing of the Great Britain are in aggregate at first in importance, but

Textile manufacturing of the Great Britain are in aggregate at first in importance, but manufacturing of hardware arrive close second. The total sum of products of hardware of the Great Britain makes approximately 750 000 000$, or one quarter of a full product of the world, and it, approximately one third is exported. Even it is more than its textile fabrics, manufacturing of hardware of the Great Britain are connected with its coal fields. The most distinctive 'the centre of hardware' that what is identified with the big coal field in the middle of England known as 'the Black country.' Birmingham (506 000), the main place in this centre, is unsurpassed in the world for multifigurativeness and its degree metal . Literally truly, that all with 'needles on an anchor' is made within its limits. But though its industries include mainly that of iron and a steel, it in gold, silver, copper, zinc, leadership, and aluminium also is very important. Birmingham, also, is unsurpassed in the world in the art statement to metal work. Its manufacturing of jewelry, both gold and silver ornaments, are huge. Its manufacturing of the small equipment also is huge. For example, it appears 15 000 000 handles weekly. Its manufacturing of buttons faces from hundreds thousand millions. Wolverhampton (88 000), also in the Black country, is noted for its manufacturing of heavy hardware and cars. So also in Oldham, in Lankashirsky area. So also in Leeds, around West Yorkshire. Sheffield (352 000), also in , is historically identified with its well-known manufacturing of a tableware, the industry which at first has begun there because of quality and [93] abundance of the found millstones
Nearby. With coal layers of Durham and Cumberland the big shipbuilding and building industries of the locomotive of Newcastle (218 000), Sunderland (142 000), and Darlington, on the northeast party of England, and big steel (the greatest in kingdom) and ship-building industries Barrow-on-Furness, on the northwest party are identified. With coal fields of the Southern Wales (noted for it coal) industries of fusion of Swansea (70 000) are identified. Copper ores especially, but also and silver, zinc, and leadership, are brought from all continents to Swansea to be smelted. These Southern coal fields of the Wales also make the fact, that in respect for the tonnage sum Cardiff (160 000) is one of the main ports for export to the world, taking a place in this respect then after New York. Export of coal from Cardiff - now 12 000 000 tons annually.

In a loan of money on demand when it is strictly understood between bank and the borrower, that the

In a loan of money on demand when it is strictly understood between bank and the borrower, that the money so advanced, is positively small money-money which is subject to return to any minute when audits of bank for these-banks usually charge interest low interests. When interest rates are high [232], bankers prefer to deal in long -
Time paper. This general rule is reversed, when the situation is reversed. Bankers aspire to disseminate and define also a site of their maturity so that as seasons slid around, they will not have very much a considerable quantity which is becoming ripe once and very small quantity in other. They plan to be also 'in funds' during those seasons when always there is a big and favourable requirement of money. For example, in the centres of interest of cotton manufacture banks count on the big requirement of money between October and is made January when most part of purchases, to supply factories. Again, among those who operates also business in a wool, there is an active requirement of money in a wool paper clip in spring months. Wheat and grain yields - autumn consumers of money. The middle of winter and a heat of summer in the north usually - the periods of comparative stagnation in the monetary market. All these things mention norms, and the successful banker - it who from supervision and wide experience shows the majority of skill in a choice of time of its monetary weight.

Checks should be numbered, so that everyone could be made

Checks should be numbered, so that everyone could be made. Numbers for your convenience instead of to convenience of bank. It is important, that your check-book is correctly kept, so that you could tell at any time, how many money you have in bank. [245] in the end of each month yours
The small bankbook needs to be left in bank so that the bookkeeper could counterbalance it. It can happen, that your bankbook will show balance than your check-book. You will understand it if both have been correctly kept, that there are outstanding checks which have not been presented yet in your bank of payment. You can learn, which they, checking the paid checks which have been returned to you with your bankbook. Unpaied cheques so that your actual balance was that is shown by your check-book at any time can be presented. Checks should be presented for payment as soon after date as far as possible.
The bank account.

The great commercial nations of the world all try to receive now actions of trade of this extensive

The great commercial nations of the world all try to receive now actions of trade of this extensive and densely populated country. For not only China (Appropriate) big and densely populated, but also it also is rich, as its inhabitants and are hardworking and modest, and, besides, in comparison with people of the European countries they have been very saved fatal consequences of war destroying trade, both foreign and interstine. Several centuries ago Chineses have made the big progresses to a civilisation. Their skill in industrial arts, and in agriculture and gardening, the whole eternity surpassed skill of the Western nations. But, unfortunately for their advancement, they are conservative, arrogant, and to improvement, especially if they study improvement of others. As [141] nevertheless they almost have completely ignored ideas and methods of a modern Western civilisation. They have hardly any railways, but
It is a little the steamships, almost any enterprises of the steam power, and any phones. Unique modern improvement which they very much used, is telegraph. Several years ago (in 1876) the European company has provided the privilege of construction of the short railway from Shanghai, but it has been hardly constructed before the government became afraid of its influence both bought up it and has stopped its management. But the Chinese people not to foreign trade; on the contrary, they love it enough. If only the thing could happen in China which has happened in Japan that is if only the government could fall in hands of governors which were unbiassed to improvement and felt propensity to be progressive - an impulse, which China will make to a civilisation and acceptance of modern trading methods, and modern processes of manufacturing would be shaking.

We have now on the market and bond stocks, representing all conceivable kinds of the property

We have now on the market and bond stocks, representing all conceivable kinds of the property. Not only that properties of many kinds are used to let out bonds on, but it is a lot of kinds of bonds, often are issued on the same property. Thus we find among our railways not only at first, secondly, and the third mortgages, but also bonds of the income, the dividend bond, convertible bonds, have united bonds, bonds of the repayment, the bond of renewal, the bond of fund the falls accompanying the bond, the equipment bond, etc., while they do not put also imposing in apparently infinite disorder.

But even when all areas of desert of Australia are excluded from calculation there, still there is

But even when all areas of desert of Australia are excluded from calculation there, still there is in an internal plateau, to the east and the south, a huge area [168] of the country of the big abundance and productivity. One only River exhausts area of 500 000 square miles, the one sixth whole
The continent, which most part has excessive riches. In this fertile parts by artesian wells has been tried, and always with the big success. Also it is considered, that almost whole continent can be returned for agriculture, or at least for the sheep-pasturing, similar means; for even in droughty and so-called parts of desert of an interior, there are very few soils which is not really fertile as all it is covered by thick brushwood. One only humidity is necessary to force it to have grain crops much. And this drought of atmosphere which prevails everywhere on the whole continent, not without its indemnifications. It gives extremely healthy climate.

We have learnt in last lesson, that commercial projects are used to facilitate a collection of

We have learnt in last lesson, that commercial projects are used to facilitate a collection of accounts. [32] they - simply formal requirements of payment
From lawful debts. When these formal requirements are made on foreign debtors, them name bills; and process of purchase and sale of these projects, projects directly, and fluctuations in the price, all are included in the general exchange of the name.
Foreign currency.

Area of Canada the huge

Area of Canada the huge. It reaches 3 456 383 square miles which makes almost 500 000 square miles more than full area of the United States, exclusive of Alaska, and is not far were equal to area of all Europe. But almost 150 000 square miles of this area are lifted by lakes and the rivers; and much more the most part than it, under present conditions of a civilisation, is absolutely unfit for human habitation, being or too cold or too fruitless. Nevertheless, when all necessary grants have been made there, still remains in Canada huge area with soil, enough fertile and a climate which is favorable enough in all purposes of very civilised population. More than 900 000 square miles are already occupied, and the occupied area completely one half has been improved'. The senior areas, an acre for an acre so approaching for agricultural prosecution as the adjacent states of the Union. Manitoba, 'Prairie Area,' are almost one extensive area of wheat, with productivity for wheat incomparable somewhere except in a valley Red River of Minnesota and Dakota. Grain of Manitoba collects foots to 50 000 000 . British Columbia - the earth of almost infinite possibilities, not only because of its resources of a mineral and wood, but also and because of its abilities to agriculture and gardening. Territories - so extensive area, that their any general description is not possible, but it is possible to tell, that the big valley of wheat Saskatchewan, the protected country Alberts, and the big plains of wheat of a valley Peace River in , is the areas adapted in soil and a climate to sustain hardy and vigorous people. The population of Canada is rather small. It is estimated in 5 250 000. More than 1 000 000 persons of the Canadian birth live in the Incorporated [189] states, and number of the Americans living in Canada, is only 80 000.
From 2 425 000 persons who have arrived to Canada as immigrants in forty years, not less than 1 310 000, or fifty four percent., has arrived to the United States. It is declared, that this mass flight has stopped, and that if any big movement of the population exists now, it to Canada.

Receiver certificates are let out by receivers of corporations, the companies, etc

Receiver certificates are let out by receivers of corporations, the companies, etc., in financial difficulties to provide a working capital; to them give the first rights to the property and are placed above previous mortgaging deduction and the first mortgages.

The privilege

The privilege. The privilege - the right given by the state to people or corporations. The privilege of the company of the railway - the right to operate its road. Such privilege has a value which is completely distinct from value of factory or the usual property of corporation.

Wholesale dealers send travellers or drummers who are born by samples of the goods

Wholesale dealers send travellers or drummers who are born by samples of the goods. Often the traveller begins with the samples from six months about one year before delivery time. It - rather the general thing for the retail seller to order from samples [6] goods which during time
Order placing cannot even be made.

One of the most valuable parts of formation of the banker should learn, whom to trust

One of the most valuable parts of formation of the banker should learn, whom to trust. At each bank should be well organised and completely supplied department of the credit which is responsible for someone, on whom it is possible to rely to be engaged in investigations carefully, all names have mentioned its officials. The banker has the right to expect the fullest confidence from the borrower, and the borrower should supply with its full and detailed statement of a condition of its affairs. It is safe to conclude, that when the borrower refuses to give absolutely any information concerning its financial condition, its credit is not in the most favorable form.

The point in official returnings which the greatest appears for export, is it which is grains as

The point in official returnings which the greatest appears for export, is it which is grains as which consider. This term includes wheat, grain, an oats, a rye, both other grains, and a flour or the dishes prepared from them. Within a year which is coming to an end on June, 30th 1898, our full export of grains made 334 000 000$. It is huge increase for a year before when the quantity was not absolutely 200 000 000$. [5] most part of this increase occurred because of the high prices for grains which prevailed in the European markets within last autumn and winter, but the increase part occurred because of the increased area of the earth in acres and to good grain crops. The main products which have made this extensive export, were: wheat, 146 000 000$; wheat flour, 70 000 000$; grain, 75 000 000$; fodder grain, 2 000 000$; an oats and porridge, 22 500 000$; a rye and a rye flour, 9 000 000$, and barley, 5 500 000$. The size of our export of grains can be estimated from size and importance of our export of wheat and a flour in comparison with that of other countries. Our average export of wheat two and one half of times that from Russia, four and times that one thirds from Argentina, five and one half of times that from India, and almost in twenty five times more than that from Canada, while it also four and one half of times that from all other countries in the incorporated world. Our export of a flour (70 000 000$) without the competitor. Export from Canada - is not much more now than 1 500 000$ in year, and export from Hungary it is no more than 2 500 000$ in a year, [203], and they - the only thing
The countries to which we should compete in the West European markets. Nevertheless it needs to be remembered, that the Hungarian flour, owing to a climate drought in which it is made, it is better in the world while the flour of Canada has made of Manitoba, firm wheat is similarly unsurpassed. As a rule it is much more than one half of our full export of grains goes to the Great Britain. Germany - our following best client, but its import of our grains is no more that one fifth to one tenth that of the Great Britain. France arrives then, but its import of our grains is still more doubtful, in limits from half to one 100-th that from the Great Britain. Our other major customers for our grains (1) other states of Europe, (2) Canada, (3) countries of the South America, (4) West Indies, (5) Hongkong, (6) islands T of ocean, and (7) British Africa. Our export of grains to Japan and China (direct) [6], still slightly. Since end of war of Revolt our export of wheat has increased thirtyfold and our export of a flour fifteenfold. Our main things the states growing up wheat - Minnesota and California, everyone approximately with 50 000 000 in a year; then Kansas, Northern Dakota, Illinois, and South Dakota, everyone approximately with 30 000 000 in a year; and then Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Michigan. The best wheat is grown up in the deep black soil rich with an organic question, valleys Red River of Minnesota, and in a dry, solar climate of California. The full crop on 1897 made 530 000 000 which made approximately 70 000 000 more than recent averages. The estimation within this year (1898) makes more than 600 000 000 which was also a crop on 1891. The full area which has sown to wheat, was within several years approximately 35 000 000 acres, but [204], the average is increased now
Approximately to 40 000 000 acres. Big as rough manufacture of our wheat, however, the crop in an acre is a little small, being only from 12 to 13 in comparison with 18 in Ontario, 20 in Manitoba, 26? In New Zealand, and 30 in the Great Britain. Actually, wheat crop in an acre is the lowest in the United States all big countries of the world making wheat, except Australia (7 - 11?), Italy (10?), Germany (10?), India (9?) And Russia (8). But it is much more than our manufacture of wheat our manufacture of grain. From grain we have almost 85 000 000 acres at and manufacture almost 2,500,000,000 . Our export of grain, however, is proportionally not big, and appears only approximately to 210 000 000 in a year, with value (including fodder grain) approximately 76 000 000$. As is known, Chicago - a great commercial centre of continent for grains. New York - great port of export for the Atlantic coast, San Francisco for Pacific coast. Duluth - the big point of reception for wheat of a valley Red River and northern . - the big point where wheat lowered from Chicago, Duluth, etc., in barges, 'back parts of a whale', and huge propellers, is thrown in small boats of Erie Canal for the car to New York. Minneapolis - the big flour-grinding point of continent, its factories which are greatest and most spacious in the world.


The example resulted below displays badly written check and what could be very easily lifted
The example resulted below displays badly written check and what could be very easily lifted. The roguish receiver could, for example write, 'ninety' before 'six' and '9' before number '6', and thus to lift the check from 6$ to 96$. If it has been made, and the check on money the manufacturer, instead of the bank, would become responsible for loss. You cannot consider other people responsible for your own negligence. The check has been lifted from 100$ to 190$ by the letter of words 'and ninety' after words 'hundred.' One of code numbers in numbers has been changed on '9', adding a tail to it. Wisely to pull a running line, thus ~~~~~~, after quantity in words, thus preventing any additional letter.
Badly delayed check.

But, fertile as soil of India, and benevolent to an agricultural production as its climate in

But, fertile as soil of India, and benevolent to an agricultural production as its climate in general, its climate is not always favorable. It periodically suffers from surplus of a drought. As consequence to artificial it is necessary to address, or the most part of this fertile country often was desert. In one only the British India of irrigation canals of 28 000 miles are under the government control, 14 000 from which have been constructed by existing (British) governmental works of extensive measurements and the highest technical skill. As a whole 28 000 000 acres in the British India depend for their necessary delivery of humidity to the general , and 8 000 000 on irrigation canals. There was it not for these irrigation canals, 2 000 000 acres in Scinde (northwest India) will be infinite desert as Scinde it is almost perfect . On the other hand, in the most part of India the downpour is excessive. Some areas really are the most damp on globe. In Assam, for example (which is also one of the hottest places in India), the downpour makes 600 inches annually, and it was 650. As consequence of the river in India often leave the coast. Therefore, to protect the country on lower river limits from flooding the British government has constructed more than 1500 miles of quays.

Fixed capital

Fixed capital. This name is given the rough capital for which the company is organised, without any reference to its value or to, whether have paid to it completely or not. The paid capital - the quantity received from shareholders on actions for which they have subscribed.

Term Австралазия as now in general it is used, includes Australia (including Tasmania)

Term as now in general it is used, includes Australia (including Tasmania) both New Zealand, and many small next islands. So used it actually designates the British possession; for such islands as will take place for and still the Great Britain do not belong, are rather insignificant. But when we speak about , we in general think of Australia as Australia is so big and important, that it, apparently, saddens other parts . But concerning a policy or trade Australia not one country; it is divided into some self-coping colonies. They, as importance, Victoria, the New Southern Wales, South Australia, Queensland, and Western Australia. But movement becomes now to unite all these colonies, and Tasmania also, in one 'the Australian Confederation,' the same as some areas of Canada which independent colonies were once, have been united in one 'Dominion of Canada.' This scheme of confederation, however, has not been reached yet. [167 [3] new
Zealand, because of its distance (1200 miles) from Australia, yet has not shown desire to enter this confederation.

The third big textile manufacturing of the Great Britain - manufacturing of cloths

The third big textile manufacturing of the Great Britain - manufacturing of cloths. It is one manufacturing in which Ireland surpasses its sisterly kingdoms, England and Scotland. flax and rotation of a linen yarn were the domestic industries everywhere across all Ireland from time immemorial. But now the linen manufacturing industry of Ireland almost is completely concentrated in Belfast. In Scotland which now almost competitors Ireland in degree and its perfection linen , the industry is mainly located in Fifeshire and Forfarshire, especially in cities of Dundee and Dunfermline, last city which is becoming famous very of it napery and table linen. A cloth as the clap, demands a specific atmospheric condition of temperature, and humidity for its manufacturing, and only in few vicinities the linen industry successfully established. The total cost of annual linen manufacturing of the Great Britain makes 100 000 000$.

Country natural resources - mainly mineral consumer goods and agricultural products that is [5]

Country natural resources - mainly mineral consumer goods and agricultural products that is [5] crops. Wood and fish are made in a
The country also among its natural resources. Positions and industries of cities are usually established by natural conditions, but the strongest agent - personal energy of initiative and persistent men which, by surpassing formation, either scientific knowledge, or a practical prediction, often were able to the found industrial centres in the situations, which any geographical considerations would not offer or would explain.