The great commercial nations of the world all try to receive now actions of trade of this extensive
The great commercial nations of the world all try to receive now actions of trade of this extensive and densely populated country. For not only China (Appropriate) big and densely populated, but also it also is rich, as its inhabitants and are hardworking and modest, and, besides, in comparison with people of the European countries they have been very saved fatal consequences of war destroying trade, both foreign and interstine. Several centuries ago Chineses have made the big progresses to a civilisation. Their skill in industrial arts, and in agriculture and gardening, the whole eternity surpassed skill of the Western nations. But, unfortunately for their advancement, they are conservative, arrogant, and to improvement, especially if they study improvement of others. As [141] nevertheless they almost have completely ignored ideas and methods of a modern Western civilisation. They have hardly any railways, but
It is a little the steamships, almost any enterprises of the steam power, and any phones. Unique modern improvement which they very much used, is telegraph. Several years ago (in 1876) the European company has provided the privilege of construction of the short railway from Shanghai, but it has been hardly constructed before the government became afraid of its influence both bought up it and has stopped its management. But the Chinese people not to foreign trade; on the contrary, they love it enough. If only the thing could happen in China which has happened in Japan that is if only the government could fall in hands of governors which were unbiassed to improvement and felt propensity to be progressive - an impulse, which China will make to a civilisation and acceptance of modern trading methods, and modern processes of manufacturing would be shaking.
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