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Monday, February 4, 2008

London costs almost in the centre of a surface of the earth of globe

London costs almost in the centre of a surface of the earth of globe. Its situation, therefore, extremely adapts it to be the great centre of trade in the world - great centre value of distribution of products in the world. Its vessels can go to the most distant parts of the earth, and, loading their directly natural products of these parts, can bring it in its docks without division of cargo parties into smaller parties, bring them there for assortment, and then clean them again to other parts of the earth, and make it more economically than vessels almost any other port in the world. But the big reason consists in being found in the fact, that within many centuries the British people pursued the certain policy of manufacturing, trade, and trade, and had good luck to face that policy to a lesser degree than any other nation in the world war destroying trade, either internal or external. And every time when the Great Britain was in external wars, its fleet was able protect its commercial interests. London, being capital of kingdom and its main place of trade, has naturally received the basic benefit from these many [73] years of the peace industry and trade. Then, again, London is favorably adapted to exchange
Respect to its own country. It is the seaport, sixty miles in the country, and it is connected by ship canals with all other manufacture of the head and country commercial centres. Its railway services, also, are so full, that there is no factory city in the whole island which is not within fifteen hours after from it. Then, also, the specific configuration of a coastal line of the Great Britain does each point on island within an hour or two of the car from seaport. At last, all British seaports are in trading communication with London service of coasting navigation incomparable in the world for cheapness, completeness, and efficiency. In a word, London costs not only in the centre of a surface of the earth of globe, but also and in a commercial centre of its own house territory that is within easy reach and waterway and the earth of all trade and manufacture of interests of people which within many centuries were leaders in commercial both a manufacturing industry and the enterprise.


The example resulted below displays badly written check and what could be very easily lifted
The example resulted below displays badly written check and what could be very easily lifted. The roguish receiver could, for example write, 'ninety' before 'six' and '9' before number '6', and thus to lift the check from 6$ to 96$. If it has been made, and the check on money the manufacturer, instead of the bank, would become responsible for loss. You cannot consider other people responsible for your own negligence. The check has been lifted from 100$ to 190$ by the letter of words 'and ninety' after words 'hundred.' One of code numbers in numbers has been changed on '9', adding a tail to it. Wisely to pull a running line, thus ~~~~~~, after quantity in words, thus preventing any additional letter.
Badly delayed check.

As a rule to the private corporations organised according to laws of one state, allow to be engaged

As a rule to the private corporations organised according to laws of one state, allow to be engaged in commerce in other states. It is rather frequent to benefit of the company to organise according to laws of one state for the purpose of trade conducting in other. For example, there are many companies diplomaed according to laws [53] Maine with a staff in Boston. Laws of Massachusetts demand, that during the big proportion of the capital have actually paid
The organisation while the law of Maine does not have such condition. For the similar reasons many the big companies which are engaged in commerce in New York or Philadelphia, are organised according to laws of New Jersey.

The laws, which corporations can make for their own government, are made under several heads of

The laws, which corporations can make for their own government, are made under several heads of decisions of bodies of local authorities, decisions, rules, and instructions. These laws can be made by a management for any object not alien to the corporate purposes. The municipal corporation, for example, does decisions for clearing and illumination of its streets, for the government of its police, for water delivery to its citizens, and for punishment of all infringements of its instructions. The railway corporation establishes instructions for signals, for management of trains, for cargo communications, for behaviour of its passengers, and for hundreds other things. But such decisions of bodies of local authorities and the instruction should be in harmony with charter-party of corporation and with the general legislation of the country. For example, the municipal corporation could not put into practice the decision of bodies of the local authorities, forbidding use of its streets by others than its own citizens because according to the general law all highways are opened for usual use of all people. Again, the railway corporation could not make a rule, that it will bear the goods for one class of people only because as public transport the law demands that it bore impartially for all.

Notes which are made in settlement of original business transactions, arrive under a head of the

Notes which are made in settlement of original business transactions, arrive under a head of the regular, lawful official paper. The arrangement note - what is signed, or is confirmed, is simple as the arrangement, instead of in settlement of the account or in debts payment. With banks the arrangement paper has on advantage a difficult reputation. However, there are all grades and shades of a paper of the arrangement though it does not represent the actual business transaction between the parties to it, and has not a rest on any other fund than that of the mutual agreement. No contract is good without consideration, but it only is true between the original parties for the note. The third party either the innocent receiver or the holder of the note have the good name, and can return its value, even thus, that it has been originally given without valuable consideration. The innocent holder of the note which has been originally lost or stolen, has a good name on it if it has received it for value.
The special form for the promissory note.

It to be essential by an agency life that its messages [261] fair and free from any element of

It to be essential by an agency life that its messages [261] fair and free from any element of doubt. The public confidence of reliability of messages will be
Define company prosperity. Probably at first sight it would seem, as though the system of the message on the financial information was serious discrimination against men of the smaller capital and in favour of the rich man. But the simple capital not the unique element entering an estimation of ability to pay. Character and reputation - strong forces in the help to the dealer in credit definition. The agency opens the facts and not opinions. And it within a range of possibility of any to create and support its credit. The capital can gradually grow, but the credit sometimes is established or collapses the unique certificate.

The most characteristic physical feature of the European Russia - the planeness

The most characteristic physical feature of the European Russia - the planeness. In a consequence of its river - almost all navigable, and as most important of them are connected by channels, services for transportation which they give, are very considerable. As a whole the length of river navigation thus gave quantity almost 47 000 miles. This abundance of navigating services has detained growth of railways, but already there are 25 756 miles of the finished railway in one only the European Russia. The full length of the railway all Russia has constructed, and in a building of 34 849 miles. The most important railway enterprise in empire - the Trans-Siberian Railway which will give through communications from Baltic to T ocean. The shortest distance between these two weights of water makes 4500 miles. The length of the railway will make 4950 miles, and its cost, it is supposed, will be 120 000 000$. To 1905 it should be finished.

To the student of a civilisation India - one of the most interesting countries in the world

To the student of a civilisation India - one of the most interesting countries in the world. It always was one of the most fertile and densely populated areas of globe. Within many centuries it as thought, was one of the richest. In a consequence it, again and again, there was a scene of intrusion, a gain, and property capture. But its riches never consisted so in natural treasure as in savings of hardworking and modest people. Since a year 1600 European nations had the direct relation to India, especially England, France, Portugal, and Holland. Within last 140 years, however, England was the dominating power there. Regardless of the fact that can be told concerning an occasion of intervention of England in affairs of India first, it is possible to tell only, that existing influence of England in India is very favourable to the country. Prosperity of India as a whole is comparable now to that from any civilised nation on globe. And people who once, because of a repeated gain and property capture, have lost all sense of honour and self-respect, now, under soft influence of the world, the law, the order, and safety, quickly becoming noble, itself [130] - assured, both initiative, and ambitious to possess all rights and privileges of the modern

In a capture in the newspaper of a collection banks should receive clear instructions from its

In a capture in the newspaper of a collection banks should receive clear instructions from its owners concerning, whether there should [47] be it objected in case of non-payment. It
No means follows it, the formal protest is not desirable, because the paper has no . Many banks do by a rule to object all not paid paper if differently is not ordered.

Cost of transfer of an ingot from one country to another forms a limit in which limits increase and

Cost of transfer of an ingot from one country to another forms a limit in which limits increase and falling of a real exchange between them should be limited. If for an illustration the New York dealer owes a debt in [35], London and an exchange stand to it, say, two percent., and cost of shipment of gold is only one
Percent., it should pay in its interests a debt, sending an actual coin through. The favorable real exchange influences as a duty export and as generosity on import.
(Private) bill.

We have already learnt, that property pledges - заклады, stocks, bonds, etc

We have already learnt, that property pledges - , stocks, bonds, etc., placed temporarily in hands of creditors as additional safety for the borrowed money. The student will note, further, that value of loan of such securities depends very much substantially on character of the presented property.

There are, however, even now some ways with which foreign trade with China can be increased

There are, however, even now some ways with which foreign trade with China can be increased. Two of them - delivery of its people with the woollen goods, and their deliveries with wheat and a flour. Winters of the most part of China are so cool, that warm subjects of clothes are necessary. Now they are made mainly padded clap. Owing to population density the pasture is not enough, and sheep are almost unknown. For [144] uncertain
Time, therefore, will be the requirement of the woollen goods in China, the requirement which will constantly increase as surpassing convenience of woollen subjects of clothes in subjects of clothes of a padded clap becomes to more and more known people. And though rice - now the basic food of people even all classes, rich classes love a white loaf and receive it when probably. But the agriculture of the country is not supposed by favourable growth of wheat and a flour, and wheat if is used should be imported.

The national bank system of the United States has been established according to the congress

The national bank system of the United States has been established according to the congress decision in 1863, reconsidered in 1864, and corrected according to later legislation. The big advantage of system as say, - feature of uniformity, the fact, that it brings bank business of the whole United States under one power and at supervision of one company of administrative officials. The department letting out the note is dependent in the public full value on the services given by banks and clearing houses for an exchange by credits. Essential features of national banks are is short formulated as follows:
There is a bureau of the Ministry of Finance having charge of all affairs, the concerning national banks which senior assistant is the dispatcher of currency.
Any number of people, is not less than five, can generate association in the bank purposes, continue no more than twenty years, but within twenty years with approval of the dispatcher.
Powers of bank are limited by discounting of promissory notes, projects, bills, and other certificates of a debt; receiving deposits, dealing in an exchange, a coin, and an ingot, lending money for personal safety, and letting out bank notes in circulation. It cannot keep [218] real estate except what can
Be necessary for the transaction of its business, or what, probably, were are taken as safety for debts, earlier it is diligent.
There can be no national banks somewhere smaller quantity of the capital than 50 000$, and these small are limited to places no more than 6000 inhabitants. In cities it is more than 6000 and less than 50 000 inhabitants cannot be any bank of the capital in size less than 100 000$, and in cities of 50 000 inhabitants or more than any of less than 200 000$. One half of capital needs to pay before the bank can begin business, and the rest should be paid in monthly payments at least ten percent. Everyone.
Shareholders are responsible for bank debts to the quantity equal to face value of their actions in addition to quantity which invest there.
Each bank having the capital which excessive 150 000$ should bring in exchequer of the United States, has registered bringing percent of the bond to quantity not less than 50 000$. What have the capital 150 000 or less $, should bring the bonds equal to one quarter of their fixed capital. Each bank can let out bank notes in circulation for the sum of ninety percent. From market cost of the bonds deposited by it, but not excessive ninety percent. From the same face value, and not excessive ninety percent. From the paid capital of bank; but no bank is compelled to let out bank notes in circulation. No banknotes should be let out smaller than 5$. Notes are comprehensible face value for all dues to the United States except duties on import, and are subject to payment for all debts, former due the United States within the United States except interest on a public debt and in the repayment of currency of the country.
Each bank in the certain defined cities named spare cities, should hold a stock of lawful money equal to twenty five percent. From its deposits. All other banks should hold a similar stock of fifteen percent., but three fifth [219] have told fifteen percent. Can consist of the rests on the contribution to banks
Approved by the dispatcher in spare cities.
Each bank should keep the deposit in exchequer of lawful money of the United States, to equal five percent. From its reference as fund to expiate the same. These are five percent. Can be counted as a part of its lawful stock. It does not release banks from a duty of expiation of their notes in their own counters on demand.
The one tenth net profit needs to bear in superfluous fund while it is not equal to twenty percent. From the capital.
The bank should not give more than one tenth its capital to one person, corporation or firm, expressly or by implication, to give money for safety of its own actions, to be the buyer or the holder of its own actions if is not taken as safety for a debt, earlier is diligent, and time so taken they should be sold within six months under the penalty of to be placed in liquidation.
Each bank should do to the dispatcher not less than five messages every year, showing its condition from time to time to be defined by it, and he can call for special messages from any specific bank every time when he wishes to do so.
Each bank should pay to the treasurer of the United States the tax equal to one percent. In a year on the average quantity of its notes in circulation. Actions are inclined to the taxation States in which they are located on the same norm as other monetary capital belonging to citizens of such states.
Any benefit which is growing out of lost and destroyed notes, operates to benefit of the United States.
The dispatcher has absolute appointment of all receivers and establishes their indemnification. All sums of money realised from actives, are paid in exchequer to the credit of the dispatcher, and all dividends are paid them.
The supercertificate on checks is strictly forbidden, giving to officials or the clerks inclined to the conclusion.
National directors of bank according to the law are individually responsible for full quantity of the losses following from infringements of national legislations on banks.

Banks have a custom, after payment and a gymnastics of checks, cancellation them, striking a fist

Banks have a custom, after payment and a gymnastics of checks, cancellation them, striking a fist or forcing some to cut through their person. These cancelled checks are returned manufacturers in the end of each month.

France as Germany, is well supplied by the navigable rivers, and them, its channels to make a full

France as Germany, is well supplied by the navigable rivers, and them, its channels to make a full network of navigable waterways which cover all country and very much advance nation domestic trade. This navigable set of the rivers of 5500 miles, and ship canals more than 3100 miles. The tonnage of the goods has continued these waterways, is compared rather favorably with which is born by railways. Set of railways of 25 000 miles.

The privilege - the right given by the state or municipal corporation to people or to private

The privilege - the right given by the state or municipal corporation to people or to private corporation. The privilege of the company of the railway - the right to operate its road. Such privilege has a value which is completely distinct from value of factory or the usual property of corporation.

If you have brought the check, and it is returned through your bank noted 'Any Funds,' it shows,

If you have brought the check, and it is returned through your bank noted 'Any Funds,' it shows, that the check is nothing standing and that at the person into which account it has been delayed, there are no funds to meet it. Your bank will raise quantity to your account. The best thing to [14] does in that case, should keep
The check as the debt certificate, also writes to the person who has sent it to you, giving detailed data and asking an explanation.

Бодмерейный the contract - some kind of заклад, specific to shipment

the contract - some kind of , specific to shipment. It is vessel transportation as safety for the advance payments, made to the owner. If the vessel is lost, the creditor loses the money and has no requirement against the owner personally. It is admissible for the loan made after such obligation to have any percent over legal norm. The vessel arriving to foreign port, can demand repair and deliveries before it can proceed further on its flight, and in cases of this kind [57], the obligation is given. The owner or the owner promise or the basis of a part of a vessel-a, actually, for whole as safety.

All world - area of the modern dealer

All world - area of the modern dealer. He buys the crude and made products everywhere where he can buy the cheapest, and he sends to any market, pays to it the highest price. Our angular grocer or a product-dealer can supply us with beef from Texas, a potato from Egypt, a celery from Michigan, onions from Jamaica, coffee from Java, oranges from Spain, and hundred other things from so many various points; and still, so finish, blocking of commercial interests in the world, and so big speed of transportation, that it can supply us with these accessories under existing conditions easier and with readiness than if they all have been grown up on an adjacent farm.

The commercial project has close similarity to the letter from one person to other requirement that

The commercial project has close similarity to the letter from one person to other requirement that a certain sum of money to be paid to the person who calls, or to bank or firm for which it operates. For example, the project shown on the first illustration, could be formulated something as it: [27]